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Realm of the Mad God (RotMG) Hacks & Cheats

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'''Realm of the Mad God''' is a free to play game with a unique concept which is rather unique to of its own. It was created in 2011 by fellow Wild Shadow Studios rather known as KABAM, and have been later acquired by the company Kabam who sold it to the current owner, Deca Games , in July 2016. It is a massively massive online coCO-op action OP Action Bullet hell RPG where surely there isn't an end . There is no "objective" to the game. Fighting Players are thrown into an endless cycle of fighting monsters, getting top tier items, leveling up your pet, making a guild are just few things which you can doand gaining fame.
A scary concept why Many people dislike this game is still a trend between youngsters is that there is a for its unmerciful permanent death roll going onconcept. Even if you played have been playing the game for months with the same character , after you die you'll be losing all your items on it , which is why kids players physiologically challenge themselves to do better than before. We Because of this feature, hacks become very appealing to a player in order to prevent themselves from dying. The community still arenisn't sure if this was in thought when they created this game.
The game gives the opportunity to choose from dozens of skins and character types each with a unique special ability. The You may also use a pet is also an for extra to help you on your journey.
Since the game was created on the Flash Player platform, giving anyone has the ability to edit the source itselfuntil the game moves to a different platform, Unity as mentioned by Deca Games which will take place soon.
== Classes =Hack Clients =* '''Wizard'''The [ Wizard] is one of the 14 player classes, and the default class unlocked for new accounts, one of the original classes, and always the first in a line of heroes. The Wizard deals damage from a long distance and blasts enemies with powerful spells. The Wizard is raw DPS put into pixels. However, as one of the only robe classes without any form of healing ability, Wizards are very prone to gruesome deaths. Simple yet very powerful in the right hands.* '''Priest'''As one of the original five classes that were featured in the first early builds of the game, [ PriestCrazy Client]s have undergone many changes. Priests used to be completely armor-less, had no ability, but could equip two Rings. This direct healing class now wears Robes in addition to their old weapon, the wand. Their ability has changed as well, from spell scrolls like the Wizard’s offensive variety to Tomes, and eventually were given lower healing strength and MP cost to allow a safer play-style to be efficient. To unlock the Priest, simply reach level 5 with the Wizard.* '''Archer'''The [ Archer] is one of the first classes introduced. He uses a bow, quiver, and leather armor. The Archer is a very powerful class in almost anyone’s hands, but takes skill in timing and dodging if you want to be successful with it, whether it’s for getting loot or staying alive. The archer has a long-range attack and can acquire very powerful weapons.(Outdated)* '''Rogue'''The [ Rogue] is the least group-compatible class, but works great by himself. He is almost invincible when used correctly, but takes plenty of skill in timing and dodging. He is a medium-ranged class with average defense, so he must avoid being attacked while invisible. Unfortunately, this means that he usually must stay away from groups to avoid death. The rogue relies on his speed to deal damage at medium range while avoiding attacks.* '''Warrior'''The [ Warrior] is the first sword/heavy class introduced. Originally, they had a good defense stat because of their access to a shield, which didn’t do anything at the time other than provide a defense boost. To set them apart from the Knight they were given helmets, which give slightly less defense but boost the Speed and Dexterity stats upon use. Warriors use swords and wear heavy armor. A maxed Warrior is capable of dealing extremely high DPS. The warrior wears strong armor and uses his magic helmet to inspire his allies in battle.* Nilly'''Knight'''Originally, the [ Knight] was implemented in the game to be the most resilient class, with incredibly high Defense and low Speed, his shield also did nothing for him but provide a Defense boost. However, he was eventually given a slight nerf on his Defense stat, and the shield was given an actual effect and made exclusive to the Knight. Today, the Knight is commonly thought of as one of the most powerful classes in the game. The knight fights at close range, wears heavy armor, and uses his shield to stun enemies.* '''Paladin'''The Paladin was the third sword/heavy armor based class introduced. He was originally meant to be a combination of the [ Warriors Client] and [ Priest], using a sword, tome, and heavy armor. However, the tome was eventually replaced with the seal and was stuck since then. To this day, the Paladin is one of the 3 healing classes, along with the original Priest and the [ Necromancer]. A combanation of the [ Knight] and Warrior’s abilities, The Paladin has access to his seal, which is a ability that is both defensive and offensive, The Paladin is one of the most useful classes in groups and teamwork, and plays a particularly big role in group healing and boosting. The Paladin can deal damage at close range, wear heavy armor, and heal himself and his allies.(Outdated)* '''Sorcerer'''Introduced in Build 115, the [ Sorcerer] uses a wand and wears a robe. He deals more damage than Priests and functions as a long-range sniper that can deal group damage. His ability is the scepter, which fires a bolt of lightning that leaps from enemy to enemy to deal damage. To unlock the Sorcerer, reach level 20 with the [ Necromancer] and [ Assassin].* Orape'''Ninja'''The [ Ninja] first appeared in Build 124.0. He is currently the only class to use the Katana and the only class with an ability with two separate functions, speed and damage, packed into his special item - the Shuriken. The Katana’s attack range is shorter than that of a dagger, effectively making the Ninja a melee class. Unlocking it requires attaining level 20 with both [ rogue] and [ warrior]. The ninja relies on speed and skill, using katanas and ninja stars to deal formidable amounts of damage.* '''Trickster'''The [ Tricksters Client] is the third dagger class introduced. The class is widely thought of as a cooperative version of the Rogue. Her special ability is the Prism, and she wears leather armor whilst using the dagger for her attack method. The Trickster can be seen as a counterpart of the Rogue, in the sense that she is able to avoid enemy fire by placing decoys and teleporting, while still being able to help her group out by redirecting enemy fire at a decoy rather than the group. She is a medium-ranged class with average defense, so she must avoid being attacked as much as possible. This class is not recommended for beginners.* '''Assassin'''First introduced in Build 104, the [ Assassin] is a medium-range fighter who uses a dagger and leather armor and poisons groups of enemies, damaging them over time. He was widely thought of as one of the weakest classes and was fairly unpopular until the devs bumped his max Attack and Wisdom up to 60 (from 50Outdated) and his Wisdom gain per level to 1-2 (from 0-2) in Build 113. To unlock the Assassin you must reach level 20 with the [ Rogue] and the [ Wizard]. The assassin fights from medium range and uses poison to damage his enemies over time.* '''Mystic'''The [ Mystic] appeared in Build 111 as the third Robe/Staff using class. Like the Wizard and Necromancer, the Mystic is a low-defense ranged damage dealer. However, the Mystic was the first class whose ability, the orb, was solely based around crowd-control, offering no damage or healing. The Orb places all monsters caught within its radius into Stasis, rendering them grey, immovable, and invulnerable for the duration. Bosses were given immunity to stasis in build 112 as a response to Mystic grief attacks during Event Gods and Oryx. The Mystic is a fun class for the player that likes a unique element of strategy in their gameplay. To unlock the Mystic you must reach level 20 with the [ Huntress] and the [ Necromancer].* 059'''Necromancer'''Introduced in Build 104, the [ Necromancer] is a long-range fighter who uses a staff and wears robe armor. His special attack targets enemies, dealing damage to them and absorbing that damage into health for the Necromancer and his allies. Very similar to the Wizard, but with less DPS, he is a fairly popular class that can be very powerful in the right hands. To unlock the Necromancer you must reach level 20 with the [ Priests Client] and the [ Wizard]. * '''Huntress'''First introduced in Build 104, the [ Huntress] wields a bow and wears leather armor. Her ability is the trap, which damages and disables the first enemy to run across it. With the same stat caps as the Archer, she is a powerful class that excels at taking down groups of enemies or running dungeons. She is unlocked by reaching level 20 on the [ Rogue] and [ Archer].
Through out the game there are quests which you have fulfill to unlock certain classes. Which may be leveling up your class to level 5 or level 20.= Classes =* [[Wizard]]* [[Priest]]* [[Archer]]* [[Rogue]]* [[Warrior]]* [[Knight]]* [[Paladin]]* [[Sorcerer]]* [[Ninja]]* [[Trickster]]* [[Assassin]]* [[Mystic]]* [[Necromancer]]* [[Huntress]]* [[Samurai]]
  Throughout the game, there are quests which you have to fulfill to unlock certain classes. Which may be leveling up your class to level 5 or level 20. =Weapon types = Upcoming Updates * [[Dagger]]* [[Bows]]* [[Wands]]* [[Katanas]]* [[Swords]]* [[Staves]] =Ability types =* [[Cloaks]]* [[Poisons]]* [[Prisms]]* [[Quivers]]* [[Traps]]* [[Stars]]* [[Spells]]* [[Skulls]]* [[Orbs]]* [[Tomes]]* [[Scepters]]* [[Helms]]* [[Shields]]* [[Seals]]* [[Wakizashi]]  = Dungeons=* [[Pirate Cave]]* [[Forest Maze]]* [[Snake Pit]]* [[Forbidden Jungle]]* [[Sprite World]]* [[The Hive]]* [[Candyland Hunting Grounds]]* [[Haunted Cemetery]]* [[Undead Lair]]* [[Cave of a Thousand Treasures]]* [[Abyss of Demons]]* [[Manor of the Immortals]]* [[The Puppet Master’s Theatre]]* [[Toxic Sewers]]* [[Mad Lab]]* [[Parasite Chambers]]* [[Beachzone]]* [[Tomb of the Ancients]]* [[Ice Cave]]* [[The Crawling Depths]]* [[Ocean Trench]]* [[Woodland Labyrinth]]* [[Deadwater Docks]]* [[Lair of Draconis]]* [[Mountain Temple]]* [[Davy Jones’s Locker]]* [[The Nest]]* [[The Shatters]]* [[Lost Halls]]* [[Wine Cellar]]* [[Oryx’s Chamber]]* [[Lair of Shaitan]]* [[Puppet Master’s Encore]]* [[Battle for the Nexus]]* [[Belladonna’s Garden]]* [[Ice Tomb]] = Upcoming Updates =
* Skins
* Pets
* Rarity drops
* K-Relay
* Guilds
* A detailed pricing of RWT items
* A basic tutorial (probably) on private servers.
* Basic guide to update client
* Ways to securely trade ingamein game

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