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the Necromancer is a long-range fighter who uses a staff and wears robe armor.

His special attack targets enemies, dealing damage to them and absorbing that damage into health for the Necromancer and his allies.

Very similar to the Wizard, but with less DPS, he is a fairly popular class that can be very powerful in the right hands.

To unlock the Necromancer you must reach level 20 with the Priest and the Wizard.


Initial Stats Gain Per Level Average at level 20 Base Stat Cap
Hit Points 100 20 to 30 575 670
Magic Points 100 5 to 15 290 385
Attack 12 1 to 2 40 75
Defense 0 0 0 25
Speed 10 0 to 2 29 50
Dexterity 15 1 to 2 43 60
Vitality 10 0 to 1 19 30
Wisdom 12 1 to 2 40 75