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Minecraft Hacks & Cheats Wiki

1,042 bytes added, 05:44, 1 April 2018
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== Snapshots ==
[[File:mc1.13beta.jpeg]]The latest snapshot is 18w08b18w11a.
It contains the following game updates for Minecraft Vanilla 1.13
* Dispensers can be crafted with any bow, regardless of its current durability state
* Carrot on a stick can now be crafted with a damaged fishing rod
* Underwater ruins have been added
* Corals come in 5 different colors - Blue, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow
* Dead coral cannot be revived - coral die when it is placed outside of water
* Able to put markers on maps using banners
* Buried treasure has been added to world generation - found by using exploration maps
* Exploration maps can be found in underwater ruin chests
* Dead coral come in the 5 different color variants - Blue, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow
* Water can be placed in chests, trapped chests, stairs, slabs, fences, walls, iron bars, glass panes, ender chests, trapdoors, ladders, and signs - water will flow out of the blocks, but cannot flow into them (the water source block must be inside the block)
* Water won't go through "solid" faces
* Coral Reefs will generate in warm ocean biomes and contain coral with coral plants
* Shulker boxes can be undyed using cauldrons, decreasing water levels in the cauldron by one
* F3 + C will copy your current location to your clipboard
* Drowned mobs added
== Game Modes ==
