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942 bytes added, 23:56, 28 October 2018
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== Snapshots ==
[[File:mc1.13beta18w43a.jpeg]]The latest snapshot is 1.13.1-pre218w43c.
The latest snapshot build, named Village and Pillage, introduces multiple new items:* Bamboo* Pandas* More flowers - cornflower, wither rose and lily of the valley* Loom* Signs - introduction of different signs based on the wood* Slabs - introduction of stone, andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, smooth sandstone, smooth red sandstone, smooth quartz, red nether brick, and end stone brick slabs* Stairs - introduction of stone, andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, smooth sandstone, smooth red sandstone, smooth quartz, red nether brick, and end stone brick stairs* Walls - introduction of brick, andesite, diorite, granite, prismarine, stone brick, mossy stone brick, sandstone, red sandstone, nether brick, red nether brick, and end stone brick walls == Aquatic Update ==It contains the following game updates for Minecraft Vanilla 1.13.1
* Phantoms
