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Welcome to an MPGH wiki created by the Publicist team for users. This wiki currently contains over 50 pages of content.

The current team consists of Raple, Silent, Flengo, Ahlwong, aku, Allura, Hova, Dependent, Austin, and Shadow.

TODO LIST - All Publicists are expected to check this list and try to do articles they know about, or help with revising old articles. This list WILL change over time.

MPGH first started off as a game cheating website in '02 where the only contributors were the Administrators, Dave84311 & Arunforce. MPGH later progressed into a community driven hacking forum. It now has over 4 million users, 11 million posts, and 900 thousand threads.

There are many parts to MPGH besides the cheating. It has a number of extremely active sections. One of the most popular is the marketplace, it alone has more then 1.1 million posts. You can also visit various discussion based sections, such as General, to post about various content unrelated to hacking.

There are also activities unrelated to the general flow of MPGH, typically ran by Publicists, that add to the overall interactivity of the website. Some of these events include the Pharaoh competition, various gaming competitions for prizes, and this very wiki. Check the Projects section to find out what the Publicists are currently working on, or what events are currently active.


You can find articles on the Gaming Sections as well! (COMING SOON)