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What is thread approval and how long does it take?

When a new thread is created in the Marketplace, it undergoes an approval procedure. MPGH Staff check to see if the thread created is within rules. Its highly important the seller read the section's rule as well as the general MPGH rules before submitting a thread. A thread can be approved anywhere from 1-48 hours, so be patient. If the thread is approved, it will automatically appear on the marketplace. You will not be notified if its approved, so always be on the look out for your thread. However, you will be notified if it is denied.

How can I edit my thread?

After 24 hours has past from the time of the thread's creation, you can no longer edit the post yourself. This is done because Staff will be able to ensure that people are not breaking the Marketplace rules after it has been approved. You will need to ask MPGH staff to edit the thread. You can do this by making a post on your thread mentioning Marketplace staff to edit your thread. For example:

@Hova @Ahlwong @Psychotic @Smoke can your please change my thread title to __________

Can you also change my thread's content to __________

You can also report your own thread and ask for a thread title change as well as its contents. The report button should be below your avatar card. It is a triangle with an exclamation mark.

Why are some threads highlighted yellow?

This is a perk of purchasing the Premium Seller rank.